English 4 Skills

English 4 Skills



Projemiz; Türkiye, Portekiz, Romanya ve Tunus ortaklı 12 okuldan oluşmaktadır. Projemizde 4 dil becerisi (Dinleme, Konuşma, Okuma, Yazma) üzerinde durarak aktivitelerimizi gerçekleştirdik. Final ürünü olarak da Seslendirilmiş Çizgi Roman hazırladık. Projemizle ilgili bilgiler aşağıdadır:



Okan Aksoy – Akçaova Ortaokulu / Aydın

Elif Demir – Dicle Ortaokulu / Şırnak



Yavuz Karaaslan – Akçaova Ortaokulu / Aydın

Tuğçe Eser – Göçerler Ortaokulu / Antalya

Özge Çelik – Feride Raşit Kalkan Ortaokulu / Aydın

Ioana Ciripoiu – Podenii Noi Ortaokulu / Romanya

Ogün Güner – Yenişehir Ortaokulu / Şırnak

Özlem Kayalı – Havuzlar Ortaokulu / Tekirdağ

Dilek Kuşu – Havuzlar Ortaokulu / Tekirdağ

Şennur Can – Yağbasan Ortaokulu / Samsun

Renata Amaro – Agrupamento de Escolas Padre Vitor Melicias / Portekiz

Hayet ben Ahmed – Tahrir3 İlkokulu / Tunus


Kısa Açıklama

It’s easy to see just how important English is around the world. It’s the most commonly spoken language in the world. Besides, learning English is important for socialising and entertainment. By this project, our aim is to expose our students to English, to encourage them use English and to improve their four language skills. Because when we learn a language, there are four skills that we need for complete communication. In this project, students will also use Web 2.0 tools as much as they can, cooperate and collaborate with students from different schools.



To develop and integrate the use of the four language skills i.e. Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.

To expose students to English more.

To make students learn the process of sharing.

To encourage students use English.

To develop positive attitudes towards learning English.

To raise awareness of digital citizenship and eSafety.

To develop students’ digital competences.

To use new applications, teaching techniques and Web 2.0 tools.

To promote a student-centered learning.

To give students the opportunity to get to know different cities, cultures and schools and make new friends.

To make students cooperate and collaborate with others from different schools.

To make students communicate effectively and appropriately in real-life


To improve personality and increase sense of self-worth.


Çalışma Süreci

We expect that our project will last from November to March.

The launch plan will be uploaded to the Twinspace pages and the partners will cooperate and collaborate in line with this plan. Twinspace, social media tools, webinars and Web 2.0 tools will be used frequently for communication.

First we will add students to Twinspace, take parental permission and give information about eSafety. Then we will do pre-assessment survey, create our social media accounts, blog etc., prepare posters and logo four our project, set up the rules and share the duties, introduce ourselves, our schools and cities, make project and coordinator teachers introduction videos. Our students will introduce themselves, write an acrostic poem about the name of our project, make a yearly calendar, do a speaking activity using drama, watch an animation about a certain theme, do a coding activity using augmented reality, join webinars, create games using Web 2.0 tools, write letters, read a certain book and draw it, vocalize a presentation, make a word cloud, doing listening activities with songs and do comic book vocalized by themselves. Finally we will do final assessment surveys.


Beklenen Sonuçlar

The students will have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The students’ cognitive and analytical abilities will be enhanced.

The students will show a balanced approach to language learning.

The students will learn new words and phrases with different techniques.

The students will feel themselves more comfortable in using English and Web 2.0 tools.

The students will become aware of online safety.

The students’ self-confidence and digital competences will improve.

The students will have fun while learning something.

The students will share and compare similarities and differences and also get new friends.

The students will work collaboratively and share common outcomes.

There will be different common products in our project and they will be presented on Twinspace.


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